Fly fishing can take you to the most beautiful places in the world. And surprises lay behind every riffle.
If you're new to the sport or have been a life-long master of the artform, there's always something new to learn. I was handed my first rod when I was 12, by my father who was taught to cast by the legend Lefty Kreh - which he has always reminds me whenever we fish.
If you ever get frustrated to the point of packing it in while fishing, take a breath and look around. Chances are you're in a place that's beautiful and will make you smile despite the fishing.
Fly fishing has been a constant throughout my life and I've rarely had a day that hasn't taught me humility. Luckily, there are no fly fishing handicaps or rankings to measure your prowess. There's only the joy you experience from being somewhere beautiful, or from the folks that are in your company. If you ever get frustrated to the point of packing it in while fishing, take a breath and look around. Chances are you're in a place that's beautiful and will make you smile despite the fishing.
I love everything about fly fishing - the challenge of figuring out what the fish are hungry for, the patience to change strategies when needed, the concentration required to land your fly in the right place in the right way, and the rare joy when all three intersect to bring a fish to my net.